Thursday, December 11, 2008

Coming to an end....

thanksgiving recap:
it was awesome being around family...only downfall was that not all my girl cousins were present...and to my surprise...i didn't eat much either...i wasn't in the mood to eat turkey...but it was a good day :)
with my cousin theresa

Last day of critical care recap:
WE SURVIVED!!!!!!!!! i never thought this day would was a struggle but we all got through the good times and bad times together :)

my last patient was really cute...she was an older filipino lady...she totally reminded me my auntie luming....we talked a lot about random was nice to end the semester on a good note...

after clinical we all ate dinner at claim jumper...MMMMmmmmm! i love ending a long day with a delicious meal :)

Critical Care Group Fall 2008 - West Med Santa Ana

the past week has been crazy!....finished 2 group projects in 4 days....i was so stressed out...but seeing the end product was awesome...

now...need to start cracking down on my change project....grrrrr!!! i really don't want to write it...and somewhere in the middle of writing that paper i have to make time to study for finals...haha!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

fall semester 2008: a semester of change...struggle...and faithfulness

the fall semester has been such a blur....

for one thing...i lost my best of the people i trusted with all my heart...the person i called when i was happy...when i sad...when i needed someone to talk to...i knew he was always there for me....but things have changed....his heart changed...he's changed...9 years has come down to nothing...

but it's ok...i know things happen for a reason...

God has really shaken things up in my life...but i know it's for the best...

this semester has been the toughest for me...i was expecting this semester to be easier...but it's been the most challenging..

God has totally been my strength...

here's a quick summary of how my classes are going...
1) epidemiology - waste of time
2) leadership - waste of time
3) critical - takes too much time

and that's it!

picture time!!!!! they made me smile and laugh when i didn't want to :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


the first 6 weeks of summer school flew by so quickly....but then the 2nd session (pediatrics), which was only 5 weeks felt like the longest rotation EVER!...

it was seriously the most challenging 5 weeks of nursing school i went through...the lecture wasn't bad...i learned a lot...the exams kicked my butt...and each clinical day i felt like sticking my multi-color pen in my eye :)

so here's my rant...i think i would have enjoyed my peds rotation more instructor put a little more energy and enthusiasm into the group....she was kind of a "debby downer"...haha!...but i was sooo blessed to be surrounded by positive people...and God was truly my strength...

usually i have pictures from my rotation...but after this one...NO PICTURES were taken...NONE!...ZERO!...ZIP!...sad :( ...all i have are memories in my head...which i'm sure will be swept away when the critical care rotation comes along :)

so....after a long rotation..."my posse" of friends...or as some people would call us "the asians"....decided to throw an END OF THE SUMMER BBQ BASH!

BIG THANKS TO DIELLE for opening her house to us....

here are some pictures :)

so now...i have 2 WEEKS of FREEDOM!!!!!!!!

and you know what's crazy?....i've actually been studying for the nclex everday!!! i know i'm crazy...but i seriously doubt i will study in the fall semester...and that will only leave the few weeks in december to prepare....but i don't mind studying during this short summer break...because....I'VE BEEN ABLE TO SLEEP AS MUCH AS I WANT!....AND...i've been watching the SUMMER OLYMPICS!!!!...

it seriously has been an awesome just be able to wake up to my natural body clock...not worry about what drama is going on in the nursing program....and to just be HOME :)


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Graveyard shift, Deep Fried Food, Awesome Music, & Reuniting with Friends


Friday night - The UCI group had to do a graveyard shift. 5:45 p.m.-7 a.m.

challenge for the shift ----STAY AWAKE

i was in the NICU taking care of triplets. this is basically what i had to do: give meds, feed every 3 hours, change diapers every 4 hours, make sure they kept breathing.

by the end of the shift i was a walking zombie. i felt like throwing up...right when i got home i plopped into bed and slept til i had to get up for the OC fair


Dielle was kind enough to invite melanie and me to watch ONE REPUBLIC with her and her boyfriend. Before we entered the arena, we bought FOOD!....we ordered chicken fingers, garlic fries, the FRIED vegetable platter, and FRIED AVOCADO! was DELICIOUS!...

First on stage was Phantom Planet (they sang the theme song from the show, the o.c...."california"). they were really good. then one republic performed...MAN!!!!! they were soooooo good!!!!!!!!! i recommend getting their album...their music is sooo chill

after the show....we bought FUNNEL CAKE! can't leave the OC fair without getting funnel cake...MMMmmmmm!

it was a great night to relax...yummy food, good music, and awesome friends...can't beat that!


the mission team FINALLY's been a whole year since our mission trip to the's awesome how we can always come back together and reminise about what GOD did in the summer of 2007...

we celebrated Ate Deb & Ate Knatz's birthday and our 1 year anniversary of going to the philippines...

i'm looking forward to 2009...i am TOTALLY going on another mission trip...


in 2007 before boarding the plane

reunited in 2008

the whole team!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Little Miracles

I just finished my labor and delivery was seriously the best 6 weeks of nursing school i've been through...

i was able to be part of the beginning of 12 little babies' was such a be able to be one of the 1st ppl to hold them....and hand off the baby to their anxious parents....and to be able to see the look of the parents as they gaze with astonishment into their little newborns eyes....i never got tired of it...

i was working at mission viejo hospital....the drive was far but oh so worth it...i've never been in a hospital that was faith based....the people working there are seriously uplifting and was awesome! start conferences with devotions blew me gave me a picture of where i'd like to work when i'm done with the program...and my instructor was amazing...she's actually married to a she always gave us support when we needed it....GOD IS SO GOOD!...

(my 1st set of twins)

(in OR 1)

our last day together :(

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Forget your troubles and just be HAPPY

ok...after 13 weeks of lame lectures...where can one go to forget about your troubles?

when watching what you eat doesn't exist....

Where you can drive without a license.....

where you can go on rides til you turn blue in the face.....

where in regards to winnie the "POOH" (sorry...nurses care about BMs)

and where being on your feet for 12+ hours doesn't really matter because it was fun times....

there's no place like
DISNEYLAND with awesome people!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

what you should do after a med surg exam?


if your school is 5 minutes away from downtown fullerton.....why not?

so...the few of us who didn't have clinicals the next day decided to "cheer up" after taking our 2nd med surg exam....

so we headed to some grill in downtown fullerton for happy hour...couldn't remember the name...but they had some pretty good "tiki shots"...haha! some kind of punch with a shot of of course we couldn't drink on an empty we ordered 8 appetizers... :) i was very "happy" by the end of the meal

so after stuffing our faces with heart attack food...we decided it was time to raise our heart rates and do some cardio....

so....we walked to continental...and danced!
then....we walked to zing's....ran into poles along the way....

did some ninja kicks in the streets....

then we danced more....

it was a great way to end the night....good times w/ good friends....we should do more outings like that to remain sane in this nursing program :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

what did i get myself into?

i remember when i used to journal everyday on xanga....but after seeing this program and how easy it is to insert pictures here...i've decided to convert....and...possibly start blogging so i can remember what i've done in the year...

here's a link to my yester-years...